Elektro Neipa


NEIPA 6,7%

A tropical heavy IPA with notes of passionfruit, pineapple and tangerine. Packed with Mosaic and Citra. Comes with layers of flavour yet is extremely crushable.

By manipulating neural activity in the brain, scientists can today in a mind-invading fashion affect people’s feelings, memory functions and behaviour. This has made some commentators fear that we might be heading towards a Huxleyan dictatorship in which our minds are controlled to the extent that we are forced to feel good about our servitude. For us at Salama Brewing this is a deeply inspiring thought. Since we encountered the idea, we have been testing our brews with electrodes placed on our heads and tried to develop a beer that would help us to enslave humanity. We have not yet fully succeeded but we have come up with this galvanizing IPA that you are now holding in your hand.