Latest Past Events

Pobleneu Craft Beer Fest

La Fira del Poblenou Passeig de Calvell 13 X, Barcelona

65 breweries (Salama included), 12 food tracks, 30 hours of party. The biggest Spannish craft beer fair invites you to the journey!

Craft Beer Garden – CoolHead Brew

CoolHead Brew Koetilantie 1, Helsinki

Imagine yourself at a garden party surrounded by your best friends, world class beers, great music and amazing food. That is what the Craft Beer Garden Festival is all about! This year the festival will gather 20 of the most fascinating breweries from Finland and Europe at our summer garden at CoolHead Brew, Viikki. Not [...]

Craft Beer Oulu

Tullisali Oulu Tyrnäväntie 16, Oulu

(This event is held in Finnish) Tule meidän mukaan Oulun perinteiseen käsityöläisolueen festivaaliin. Vaikka Craft Beer Oulun pääosassa on nimenomaan hyvä olut, luvassa on myös ruokaa ja oheisohjelmaa.